Jonah Direct Logo
Table showing assets and loans in various stages of foreclosure.

Manage your default portfolio with precision.

Shows the timeline feature of Jonah Direct.Example of an asset table with loans in different stages of foreclosurePanel showing users pending actions for both the user and the user's teamThe same panel with notifications for the user's teamThe same panel with notifications for the user

A transparent process.

Refer loans to your lawfirm and track progress and communication in a single tool.

Angled snapshot of an example asset table

A centralized platform for your default portfolio.

Track asset status and progress in the portfolio dashboard.

Driven by best practices.

Stop searching through emails, spreadsheets and documents

Choose Judicial or Non-Judicial processes based on the State or case.

State Specific Processes
List of assets that the user can uploadDropdown that shows more optionsPanel that allows users to refer the selected asset
Documents that can be uploaded by users.Panel to edit documents

Upload and track documents in a secure document repository.

Timeline of an asset with a few eventsSidebar of the timeline with extra comments

Stay on top of milestones with timeline measurement.

Comprehensive Event Log

Track tasks, communicate and collaborate with your team members.

Hold Management
Panel that contains tasksExample task 1Example task 2Example task 3Example task 4Example task 5Panel to edit taskComments on a specific task
Application in loading statePanel that allows users to import assets

Leverage API's to update portfolio data easily.

Zoom in, zoom out.

Manage and track everything all at once or focus just on the priority you have right now. Switch back and forth effortlessly.

Features of the app are seperated from the main image, spread out and layered.
Features of the app are seperated from the main image, spread out and layered.

Complete situational awareness.

Dashboards, filters, views, and search-able data make tracking details easy.

Shot of Jonah Direct in dark mode.

Into the night.

Dark theme for the night owls in your life.

Faded shot of Jonah Direct in the corner of the screen.

Manage your default portfolio with precision.